Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A few thoughts on the day

In trying to think of something to write today, I realized I was starting to feel anxious.  I couldn't think of anything important to opine about.  Most of what's going through my mind has been useless stuff or more of the same old stuff that I don't want to rant about.  Then it hit me.  I don't have to write about something important every day.  If I push for important, I'm going to either run out of things to talk about very quickly, or I will find myself talking about the same things over and over.  Not my cup of tea. 

I gave up listening to local talk radio years ago because it was all about illegal immigration every single day.  We need to stop giving those who are here illegally any form of welfare.  We need to secure the border to protect us from terrorists and the horrors happening in Mexico.  We need to allow our border patrol to do their job without fear of prosecution.  Enough said. 

I don't want to hear anymore about how a murderer got off scott free and how could the jury do that.  Our system is not perfect, but I do believe it is the best the world has right now.  If the jury said not guilty, then that's that.  The guilty will pay for their sin even if they don't pay for their crime.  God's judgment is perfect every time, and no one gets away with anything, even if they seem to for a time.  Other than that, judge not that ye be not judged but judge righteous judgment.  I wouldn't let her babysit or watch little kids in a pool in other words.  That's all. 

We spend too much as a country.  We cannot ever get enough taxes to solve our debt problem.  We will have to suffer to fix this problem.  We can start suffering a little now, or we can wait and suffer a lot later.  It's all about do we want to control how it goes or not.  Our president does not seem to take anything seriously.  He just walks around looking cool and pretending that everything is great.  That would be wonderful if he were president in say any other period of our history than now - except maybe World War II or World War I or the Vietnam War or 9/11 or the Great Depression or during the struggle for civil rights.  Maybe he should have been the president in the 1950s. Oh, wait.  That was the Cold War when everyone was afraid Russia was going to bomb us.  When did we have a period of time when the president could play and travel and visit and strut and party and live like a rock star on our dime and it not matter?  I don't think there was a time like that.  Not during my lifetime anyway. 

Oh, I know.  The other presidents have played also.  They  made mistakes in judgment and at times made matters worse.  Maybe they blamed others for pressing issues that persisted, and maybe they didn't know how to solve problems.  But I just don't think we've ever faced problems like we have today at this level of seriousness and at this frequency of threat to our security and economic stability.  I want a president who looks and acts and talks like he realizes the seriousness, one who is ready, willing and able to say the buck stops here.  One who will make the tough decisions and say it doesn't matter if he gets re-elected, because what matters is that someone restore what we've lost in this country: the hope that our future will be better than our past; the security that no matter what happens, we will come out on top; the faith that no matter how bad the economy gets, it will recover.

I used to be a Republican.  I have never been a Democrat.  Now I just feel lost, because I don't see anyone who can make things better.  I don't see anyone willing to fight the battle that will have to be waged, one that will mean unpopularity because everyone will suffer when the correct actions are taken.  The games have got to stop.  When the talk comes around to cutting spending, the first thing we hear is that there will be no Social Security, Medicare, veterans' disability checks, Medicaid.  The military will suffer.  Well, can we go down the list of all the useless things we spend money on, like protecting worms and fish and studying the sexual habits of whatever animal someone is interested in today?  Can we stop giving grants completely?  Because we can't afford it.  If you can't sustain life as it is, you can't afford to try to press ahead and improve it.  We have to get rid of everything that is not essential to life and pay off our debt.  Is there really no one among our elected officials who will admit this and look at the real budget for where they can cut without hurting the weakest and sickest and without getting rid of our military protection?   That's really all I want, someone with the guts to tell the kids we can't go to Disneyland or even the movies or McDonald's until we pay the bills. 

Don't get me started on foreign policy.  We would be here all day.

Turns out I did have something to opine about.  It's another great day.

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